Sunday, February 19, 2006

KM (Knowledge Management) KO'd

Or maybe this should be called whistling past the graveyard - but first you need to read this

The basic question is: if KM is such a boon to humanity why, after decades of blabbering and flailing about, hasn't it made more real progress? It's a fantastic question - right up there with "is the emperor wearing any clothes?" There will probably be more reactions over the coming days but if Denham Grey's lame response is typical I think we can call this war well and truly over.

The truth is this - tools, applications, and disciplines are adopted primarily on their ability to create value or produce otherwise tangible results. KM as a discipline hasn't delivered. In many ways KM wrote its own downfall when it granted itself the power to solve ALL problems and its practioners became all but razzle-dazzle snake oil salesmen.

My most earnest suggestion would be to see KM change its name back to the more sensible "Information Management" and that it focus on extending the reach and effectiveness of proven commercial applications.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Andy,
I don't know how I came to miss this posting, but I did until this weekend. Thanks for the reference to my article. It took a while to figure out which one you were referencing, but I finally did. I changed some structure in the blog, so the link has changed. You might want to insert the new one! :)

I still agree with what I wrote, and although I don't feel quite as strongly as you do about the need to return to information management, it's clear the "profession" (if we are allowed to called it that), is grappling with the issues we identified last February. I feel certain there will be a positive and constructive solution out of all the dialogue! :)

Best wishes,
Kaye Vivian