Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Part II

I like to practice Language Patterns every chance I get. Practicing on people I don't know is best - people you know are too easy. Strangers are "like a box of chocolates" you never know what you are going to get! Sometimes strangers can be pretty damned strange.

This morning I said "G'Day, you look great today"
I got "Why today?" "Didn't I look good yesterday!?" "... you have some nerve telling me I look good"

Sheesh! Mashed potatoes, gravy, and cranberry sauce!!!!

OK, So, after I'd stitched up the last of the claw marks on my butt I began to think... what just happened to me?

Here's the thing - selecting the correct words to construct an effective Language Pattern is just the beginning. Words carry the message but it also matters what kind of operating system is at the receiving end. Are you a PC trying to communicate with a Mac? Language Patterns also need to be wrapped in the protocol of the receiving party in order to be truly effective.

How exactly is this achieved? The good news is that humans can be divided, like Macs and PCs, into two broad categories. These are frequently referred to a Left-Brained and Right-Brained. The left brain deals with Logic, Language, and Analysis ... the right brain is a silent partner, and deals with holistic and creative insights. Left-brained behavior is characterized by a literal interpretation of the Physical world. A right-brained individual is driven by Emotional undercurrents that may not be immediately apparent.

Clearly I'd make the mistake of wrapping my Language Pattern in a left-brain protocol but handed to a right-brained receiver. Lesson learned, as they say.

Significantly, although right-brained people relish metaphors, analogies and secret meanings, they are identified by their blunt and direct style of speech. The reverse is true for left-brained people. They prefer direct literal language, but habitually communicate in dreaming, rambling speech.

Watch, and listen to, the couples you know. Almost invariably, you will see a Physical communicator associated with an Emotional communicator. They find each other irresistible....!

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